Dominican republic is the world's first location
Dominican Republic is First!
In 2019, the Pensacola Office of the Florida Department of Environment met with Tony Webb, this was to decide the YES or NO. The out-going Director said, this was one of the most interesting and fascinating meetings in her 30 years of dedication to Florida's marine life and for Florida's land life. Approved same day because the movable Planet Ocean Underwater Hotel is a surface VESSEL and has legal authority to navigate and operate without inflicting harm to the sea floor or marine life.
Our first operations location is Dominican Republic. They have over 300 tropical island 300 room resorts, world class airport, beautiful coastal waters, and they want more prosperity! Our goal is to immediately partner with 17 Dominican Resorts resorts and for all to obtain the movable Planet Ocean Underwater Hotels without paying millions of dollars!
We have a SUPER DEAL for those 17 Dominican Republic tropical island resorts and again without paying millions!!!
If all goes as planned, in November 2025 we will be 100% operating the first movable Planet Ocean Underwater Hotels in Dominican Republic coastal waters. We guarantee you, the greatest underwater experience of your entire life. You will cherish your enjoyable memories for your historical one-night stay living underwater at the amazing movable Planet Ocean Underwater Hotel.