TRUMP NATION MAGA Prosperity Opportunities

The Planet Ocean Underwater Hotel

We are seeking partnerships with TRUMP NATION MAGA social media supporters.  We are offering co-ownership opportunities –  without paying millions of dollars.

There are 26 guests rooms per movable underwater hotel and all will be 100% booked via our innovative affordable funding solutions.

Quarterly profits are provided to the MAGA co-owners, land supporters and to the day-to-day crew operators.  

Your efforts will enable you to share in the quarterly profits!

Planet Ocean Underwater Hotel

President Trump is creating America’s New Golden Age. For the first-time in history, MAGA TRUMP NATION is expanding the American Dream, whereby ordinary MAGA supporters can enjoy the Planet Ocean Underwater Hotels without having to be super wealthy!

We are offering six innovative affordable funding solutions. Together they will 100% provide for fabrication and assembly of each $60M movable Planet Ocean Underwater Hotel.  All USA states are partnered with 50 nations to expand the global funding opportunities.

Faqs - Planet Ocean Underwater Hotel


FREE nightly stays opportunities for the TRUMP NATION MAGA co-owners, MAGA operators, and MAGA social media supporters.

First-time in history, national and international marine biology schools can now have opportunities to do underwater research and not be charged non-affordable rates.  

Join the team and rapidly expand internationally, this will increase the global TRUMP NATION supporters.

Be part of a proud MAGA TRUMP NATION team. Show your support for your USA state which is partnered the selected nation’s  Planet Ocean Underwater Hotel.

Join the TRUMP NATION MAGA Planet Ocean Underwater Hotel team.
